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Merch/Courses (10)

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Услуги: (3)

  • 1 on 1 - 30min (LIMITED - 10/week)

    LIMITED SPACE (10 People) "I can help you train your plants, build your setup, and live a better life!" Mr. Canamatoes has years of trailblazing experience in business, the skilled trades, cannabis cultivation, and most especially, in life. He would love to share this wisdom with you or even set up a personal occasion. Submit your request and Mr. Canamatoes will give you his personal, uninterrupted, attention.

  • Skill Workshop (Coming Soon!)

    If you are looking to sharpen your skills within growing from home, then join our weekly skill workshops where you can learn or enhance a new skill each week.

  • Drop In Lessons (COMING SOON!)

    "This is going to be a really fun way to interact with my Cana-Crew! I can't wait to see what we can do!" Do you want to learn how to grow alongside a dedicated group of positive lifelong learners? Canamatoes is now offering community lessons to answer all of your questions! Join your Cana-community for fun educational lessons centred around growth and positivity. Sign up now with your fellow Cana members — join the journey to enrich your plants and your life! "This is going to be a really fun way to interact with my Cana-Crew! I can't wait to see what we can do!" Sign up now to join your fellow Cana members on our journey to improve your plants and life!

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Products/Pages (15)

  • Gift Card | CANAMATOES

    eGift Card $25 You can't go wrong with a gift card. Choose an amount and write a personalized message to make this gift your own. ... Подробнее Номинал карты $25 $50 $100 $150 $200 Количество Купить

  • Store | CANAMATOES

    PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FOR ANY SETUP! USE WHAT CANAMATOES USES! Store SERVICES 1 on 1 - 30min (LIMITED - 10/week) 30 минут 49,99 канадского доллара 49,99 CA$ Запросить запись Смотреть планы Drop In Lessons (COMING SOON!) Загружаем дни... 24,99 канадского доллара 24,99 CA$ Записаться Смотреть планы Skill Workshop (Coming Soon!) Загружаем дни... 9,99 канадского доллара 9,99 CA$ Записаться Смотреть планы PRODUCTS Быстрый просмотр Embroidered Patches - Circular ⌀3 in Цена C$15.00 Reliable Shipping Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр Руководство по выращиванию гидропоники своими руками Цена C$39.99 Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр Руководство по выращиванию грязи своими руками Цена C$19.99 Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр Наклейка Цена C$2.00 Reliable Shipping Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр Футболка Цена C$60.00 Reliable Shipping Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр Толстовка с капюшоном Цена C$80.00 Reliable Shipping Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр Привязать назад Цена C$50.00 Reliable Shipping Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр Сиззорс Цена C$15.00 Reliable Shipping Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр DWC Growing 101 - Канский стиль Цена C$44.99 Вскоре! Быстрый просмотр Dirt Growing 101 - Cana-Style Цена C$24.99 Garden set-up Lights, Tents & Ventilation Step 1 The foundation of a good grow is your environment. That mean the proper light, tent and exhaust to match your personal and plants needs. Pots, Dirt & Accessories Step 3 With your foundation set, now we move to the vehicle. Proper housing for your plants are vital for growth. Nutrients Step 2 After you pick your vehicle, you now want to look at your fuel, and what you want your plants to be eating! Now you pick your Nutrients! PH Maintenance Step 4 Keeping a balance in life is key to healthy growth, this applies to your plants as well. Seeds Step 5 With your grow now planned out, here is the fun part! Pick your flavor! Post Grow Step 6 Wow! You got through the grow! Lets see how we can take things to the next level!

  • The Nancy Lowry Foundation | CANAMATOES

    ПОКОНЧИТЬ С РАКОМ ФОНД НЭНСИ ЛОУРИ СОХРАНЕНИЕ ЕЕ ИМЯ ЖИВЫМ К сожалению, хх/хх/хххх Нэнси Лоури скончалась из-за рака, обнаруженного в нескольких местах после победы над раком. Этот фонд призван сохранить имя Нэнси и положить конец раку. Все пожертвования будут отправлены в Фонд рака принцессы Маргрет, Фонд Келли Шайрс и Канадское онкологическое общество. 10% пожертвований идут в фонд Нэнси Лоури по борьбе с раком Пожертвования Lets support Nancy with this amazing cannabis community so that others wont go through her struggles. СПАСИБО!

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