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204 items gevonden voor ""

Merch/Courses (10)

  • C$50.00
  • C$2.00
  • C$15.00
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Diensten (3)

  • 1 on 1 - 30min (LIMITED - 10/week)

    LIMITED SPACE (10 People) "I can help you train your plants, build your setup, and live a better life!" Mr. Canamatoes has years of trailblazing experience in business, the skilled trades, cannabis cultivation, and most especially, in life. He would love to share this wisdom with you or even set up a personal occasion. Submit your request and Mr. Canamatoes will give you his personal, uninterrupted, attention.

  • Skill Workshop (Coming Soon!)

    If you are looking to sharpen your skills within growing from home, then join our weekly skill workshops where you can learn or enhance a new skill each week.

  • Drop In Lessons (COMING SOON!)

    "This is going to be a really fun way to interact with my Cana-Crew! I can't wait to see what we can do!" Do you want to learn how to grow alongside a dedicated group of positive lifelong learners? Canamatoes is now offering community lessons to answer all of your questions! Join your Cana-community for fun educational lessons centred around growth and positivity. Sign up now with your fellow Cana members — join the journey to enrich your plants and your life! "This is going to be a really fun way to interact with my Cana-Crew! I can't wait to see what we can do!" Sign up now to join your fellow Cana members on our journey to improve your plants and life!

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Products/Pages (15)

  • Store | CANAMATOES

    PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FOR ANY SETUP! USE WHAT CANAMATOES USES! Store SERVICES 1 on 1 - 30min (LIMITED - 10/week) 30 min. 49,99 Canadese dollar C$ 49,99 Vraag boeking aan Abonnementen bekijken Drop In Lessons (COMING SOON!) Dagen aan het laden... 24,99 Canadese dollar C$ 24,99 Nu boeken Abonnementen bekijken Skill Workshop (Coming Soon!) Dagen aan het laden... 9,99 Canadese dollar C$ 9,99 Nu boeken Abonnementen bekijken PRODUCTS Snel overzicht Embroidered Patches - Circular ⌀3 in Prijs C$15.00 Reliable Shipping Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht DIY Hydrocultuur Kweekgids Prijs C$39.99 Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht Doe-het-zelf gids voor het kweken van vuil Prijs C$19.99 Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht Sticker Prijs C$2.00 Reliable Shipping Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht T-shirt Prijs C$60.00 Reliable Shipping Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht Capuchon Prijs C$80.00 Reliable Shipping Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht Terugklikken Prijs C$50.00 Reliable Shipping Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht Sizzors Prijs C$15.00 Reliable Shipping Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht DWC Growing 101 - Cana-stijl Prijs C$44.99 Binnenkort beschikbaar! Snel overzicht Dirt Growing 101 - Cana-Style Prijs C$24.99 Garden set-up Lights, Tents & Ventilation Step 1 The foundation of a good grow is your environment. That mean the proper light, tent and exhaust to match your personal and plants needs. Pots, Dirt & Accessories Step 3 With your foundation set, now we move to the vehicle. Proper housing for your plants are vital for growth. Nutrients Step 2 After you pick your vehicle, you now want to look at your fuel, and what you want your plants to be eating! Now you pick your Nutrients! PH Maintenance Step 4 Keeping a balance in life is key to healthy growth, this applies to your plants as well. Seeds Step 5 With your grow now planned out, here is the fun part! Pick your flavor! Post Grow Step 6 Wow! You got through the grow! Lets see how we can take things to the next level!

  • VIP Content | CANAMATOES

    ELKE WEEK NIEUWE INHOUD! INHOUD INSCHRIJVING PREMIUM & VIP-INHOUD Basic Subscription C$ 10 10C$ Elke maand Perfect for beginners! Join VIP Cana-Diaries Free Drop In Lessons Special Events Voordeligst Silver Subscription C$ 25 25C$ Elke maand Perfect for Intermediate growers! Join VIP Grow Diaries Free Drop In Lessons Special Events VIP Chat Room gold plan C$ 50 50C$ Elke maand perfect for pro growers! Join VIP Cana Diaries Free Drop In Lessons Free Skill Workshops Special Events VIP Chat Room Subscriptions are renewed at the begining of each month

  • The Nancy Lowry Foundation | CANAMATOES

    EEN EINDE MAKEN AAN KANKER DE NANCY LOWRY STICHTING HAAR NAAM IN LEVEN HOUDEN Helaas is op xx/xx/xxxx Nancy Lowry overleden als gevolg van het feit dat kanker op meerdere plaatsen werd gevonden nadat ze een keer eerder kanker had verslagen. Deze stichting moet Nancy's naam levend houden en een einde maken aan kanker. Alle donaties gaan naar de Princess Margret Cancer Foundation, The Kelly Shires Foundation en The Canadian Cancer Society. 10% van de donaties gaat naar de Nancy Lowry Foundation om kanker te bestrijden Donaties Lets support Nancy with this amazing cannabis community so that others wont go through her struggles. BEDANKT!

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Forumposts (176)

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